How to Style a Bald Head with Tattoos

How to Style a Bald Head with Tattoos

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Balding is a common experience, but shaving your head can be a bigger challenge for men. We’ve put together a list of styling tips to help you look great when your hairline starts receding! The key to styling a bald head is finding the right balance between looking cool and casual while still being professional. The good news is that tattoos can help you do just that! Here’s some inspiration on how to style a bald head with tattoos.

Key Takeaway:

The first thing everyone should know about how to style a bald head with tattoos is not to be afraid! Experiment with different styles and products until you find something that works.

There’s no specific way to do this, so don’t worry about perfection at first. Also, if something doesn’t feel right after trying different things, try something else until you find what works best for YOU!

Add some color to your scalp.

If you’re going for an edgier look, use a color that complements your skin tone. This will help create the illusion that you have no scalp and only have hair on top of your head (precisely what we want).

If you’re not sure what color works best for you, try using one of these shades:

● Blue-green or turquoise green

These hues are great for adding contrast to any outfit as they accentuate our eyes by making them stand out more than usual. Use this shade if you have light brown eyes or sandy blonde hair!

● Dark brown

Darker hues can add depth without being too dramatic, and they’ll fade into natural shadows while still showing off how funked up we’ve been getting lately.

Get creative with your products.

There are many products for guys with tattoos, but few for bald men. If you want to get creative with how to style a bald head with tattoos, it is best to do so with a product designed for men with tattoos. This way, your look will be cohesive and not like you’re slapping a bunch of random stuff on your head just because it’s there.

For example, if you have something like a tribal tattoo on your arms or neckline, try using some body oil or hair gel (or both) on those areas before styling your hair, so they blend seamlessly.

Bring out the shape of your skull.

We understand that you probably think that this is all very basic. But it’s more complicated than you think. If you want to look your best with a bald head, you need to bring out the shape of your skull.

At first glance, this may seem like an easy solution—bring out all of those lovely bones with some bold colors! Unfortunately (and unsurprisingly), if done poorly or aggressively, this kind of styling can be incredibly off-putting (e.g., with neon makeup).

You don’t want people looking at your face and seeing just another human skull looming over them; you want them to see something much more interesting!

So, while there’s no reason why anyone should avoid bold colors on their hairline/beard area, it’s important not to just throw any color under there without considering how much contrast works best against each other.

How to Style a Bald Head with Tattoos

Deal with the bumps and lumps on your head.

Keeping your head clean is essential if you’re going for the bald head look. This can be difficult if you have lumps and bumps on your scalp.

Use a good conditioner and moisturizer for dry hair, but also try out some other products such as scalp creams or oils if they feel comfortable on your head (or at least give them a go).

Also, remember that there are many different products to choose from, so experiment with others until something works well for you!

Let your personality shine through with a signature style.

Now that we’ve taken care of the physical aspect of your head, it’s time to style the rest. You’ll want to be original and confident in your style. If you’re balding, don’t worry—your personality will still shine through!

If you have tattoos on your head or neck, keep them small and subtle, so they don’t distract from what’s important: being bald with confidence.

Don’t just shave it; style it!

This is an important tip on how to style a bald head with tattoos. Shaving your head is one of the most common ways to remove hair from your body. However, shaving may not be the best option if you want to go for a bald look and keep your tattoos visible without having to hide them in layers of hair.

Instead of shaving off all of your hair or even half of it, you can opt for a simple trimming or coloring job.


We hope this article has been helpful to you and has given you some insight into how to style a bald head with tattoos. You can do so much with your hair, even if it’s a little frizzy!

If you need advice from an expert, you can reach out to us. For any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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