

How Long Does SMP Last?

Scalp micro pigmentation is normally considered a permanent procedure that hides hair loss, burns, and scars. However, a touch-up is needed after some time. Thus, this points to the fact that though SMP is long-lasting, it fades after a while. So, how long does SMP last before it begins to fade away? If you’re curious, read on to find out.

Key Takeaways

Is SMP really permanent? It’s more semi-permanent since the pigmentation begins to fade after a while. While dryness and sun may quicken the pace of fading, the appropriate duration for which it stays is around six to eight years.

However, the result of scalp micro pigmentation can last longer if maintained properly. So, there’s no clear answer to the question “how long does SMP last” since it relies on maintenance factors.

How Many Years Does Scalp Micro Pigmentation Last Before Fading Begins?

Before going under the needle and getting the procedure done, it is necessary for the patient to ask certain questions. A very important question that tops the list is ” how long does SMP last?”

Do not be deceived by those who say it’s permanent because that reply isn’t totally honest. Because the pigmentation is done with ink, it will fade over time. Therefore, you should question the duration of SMP permanence because it won’t last forever.

Scalp micro pigmentation lasts for a period of four to eight years before fading. The process of SMP is effective and creates the illusion of hair stubble by replicating hair follicles. However, the permanence of the result depends on how the procedure was carried out & the energy put into maintenance.

SMP requires three sessions with an interval of 14 days each. So if it is done in just a single session, you shouldn’t expect it to last. Usually, the replication fades a bit after the first session.

The initial fading can be used to tell the quality of the job and the manner of retention. So, the other sessions create a denser, fuller look. The more the fullness and density, the longer it will last.

However, this doesn’t mean that the layering should be excessively dense. Though it will eventually fade, there is no general speed rate. Several factors can determine the answer to the question “how long does SMP last,” as it differs from one individual to another.


Factors That Influence Fading

Image source: Pexels

Several factors are responsible for the gradual fading. However, we shall analyze a few. The first factor here is the body or skin type. For example, dry skin is subject to faster fading.

Also, due to individual nature, some skin types experience faster exfoliation, which causes fading. This is because the ink sitting in the dermis’s upper layer begins to lighten as the body exfoliates naturally.

Exposure to the sun is one of the lifestyle factors that can speed up the rate of exfoliation. If your scalp is open to the sun for prolonged periods, UV rays can cause fading. Thus, it’s important to always apply sunscreen.

Secondly, the ink quality should be considered. Though there are many types of ink, not all are suitable for use as some are below standard. Substandard ink affects uniformity, consistency, and duration. So, endeavor to endure the ink being used on you is tested and suitable for scalp micro pigmentation.

Long-term retention of SMP is compromised when you don’t stick to the proper maintenance and treatment procedures, especially during the healing phase. As such, you should diligently follow all instructions from the doctor.

Equally important is the SMP pigment hue being used. If the hue doesn’t match your natural hair color, it won’t only fade but will also change color. But, if the right hue is used, touching up SMP will be easier and last for another four to six years.


Over the years, the non-invasive scalp micro pigmentation has become the top choice for concealing hair loss. It is not only superficial but affordable and minimally painful. However, the question that has been addressed in this article is “how long does SMP last?”

While the procedure can last a couple of years, you must maintain it properly. Adequate maintenance slows down the fading and lengthens the time frame of the illusion.

Hello readers, we’ve successfully answered one of the SMP questions bugging your mind. If you have other questions or need someone to talk to about SMP, do not hesitate to reach out by dropping a comment. We will reply swiftly as we look forward to your input. Thanks.

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SMP Sessions: How Many Sessions Does SMP Take?

Scalp micro pigmentation is a tested and trusted method of hiding hair loss. It is a process used by physicians and patients worldwide. SMP gives a long-lasting illusion of full hair, thus, widespread patronage. As fulfilling as the result is, patients can’t help but wonder how many SMP sessions are needed to achieve perfection. Albeit this is a question for your doctors, we’ll throw some light on it.

Key Takeaways

The scalp micro pigmentation procedure is somewhat lengthy as it involves the layering of hues. Therefore, you can’t just pay one visit to the hospital or clinic and leave. You have to return a few times subsequently after the initial procedure before it is complete.

Normally, SMP sessions range between two and four but vary according to person based on several factors. These include the kind of hair loss and the extent of the damage. But, within 2-3 months, the process should be complete.

SMP Sessions

You should never book a single session of SMP, although some practitioners offer it. If you do, you’re most likely to get a bad hair job with a cranky hairline and an unnatural finish. That being said, a proper scalp micro pigmentation requires a minimum of two sessions.

It could extend to three or even four sessions. Ensure to sit for however many sessions your case requires. After all, what you desire is perfection, and it needs time for detailing. So, stay far away from rush jobs.

The SMP duration for each session is between two to five hours. The practitioner starts lightly during the multiple sessions and gradually increases density. This currency is perfect density and a 3D outlook.

Quality is the essence of timing, ensuring gradual quality and color development. The result of the first session is pretty good, but subsequent sessions ensure acute detailing for a natural look.

Spacing SMP sessions is necessary to ensure that the skin has adequate time to heal before proceeding. Then, during recovery, patients can decide on the desired hairline or other adjustments to be implemented.

The first session involves trimming, hairline design, and micro dotting. During the second session, the practitioners will trim your hair, clean your scalp, and note desired alterations to the hairline symmetry.

They will layer up the microdots and increase the density. Finally, in the third session, the specialist covers all layers, adds dimension, and gives the hairline a natural finish.

The fourth session is the touch-up, which is done after two months. The touch-up session assesses and analyzes the job for fading and adds the final touch.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation Tips

Image Source: Pexels

Before your hair tattoo first session, you will sit for a consultation with the doctor. The doctor will address you, give instructions, and answer your impending questions. However, we know that no one wants to book SMP sessions while clueless.

So, here are tips to guide you through the entire process.

  • Do good research and gather information about the entire process.
  • Ask for recommendations of a seasoned specialist in your location.
  • Check to see that your insurance covers the process. If it doesn’t ensure that you are financially buoyant enough to afford it.
  • Take a shower before each SMP session.
  • Protect your scalp from moisture and wetness after each session. So, you should avoid washing your scalp, swimming, or visiting a sauna.
  • Do not stay in hot environments that may cause perspiration or make you sweat excessively.
  • You should protect your scalp from the sun’s rays after scalp micro pigmentation is done. You can wear a hat for a week. Less exposure to the sun means better retention and permanence.
  • Moisturize your scalp and apply sunscreen after treatment.
  • Ascertain that you aren’t allergic to the pigments or ink before you begin.
  • Avoid touching your scalp during the healing process.

With these tips, you should be able to post SMP care sufficiently between sessions and after the whole procedure.


Scalp micro pigmentation is a non-surgical procedure that many people use. Though it is effective, long-lasting, and gives a natural finish, it requires multiple sessions. Moreover, SMP sessions are not time-consuming, so you shouldn’t mind undergoing it severally.

Hi there. If you’re planning to undergo SMP sessions, you’ll have to schedule your calendar a bit. However, if you need more information on SMP sessions or help to book one, don’t hesitate to let us know through the comment box below.

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Is Scalp Micropigmentation Painful?

If you suffer from baldness or hair loss, chances are that you might have come across the term ‘scalp micropigmentation’ during research. The next question that may come up when considering undergoing the procedure is, “is scalp micropigmentation painful?”

Do not worry if the question above is one of the many on your mind. By the end of this piece, you’ll be armed with the answer to the question and more information, so you’ll feel confident about getting your solution.

Key Takeaways

Scalp micro pigmentation is an effective non-surgical procedure that combats baldness. Also known as hair tattoo, the procedure artificially replicates hair follicles and gives the impression of hair growth. The process takes 3-5 hours with an average of 3 sessions to get a perfect result.

You may ask, “with numerous sessions, is scalp micropigmentation painful?” Well, it depends on your SMP pain tolerance level. Some feel slight discomfort, a mild tingling, or slight pain. Anyways, it hurts less than a regular tattoo.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation

Also known as hair tattoo, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical procedure that involves using pointillism to replicate hair follicles. It produces the illusion of a wiffle cut on thinning and bald hair. It is also effective in hiding hair transplant scars and burns.

The process is done superficially such that the needle penetrates the epidermis and deposits pigmented ink into the skin. The ink color matches the hair follicle color to give a uniform look. Though it is a permanent treatment, it can be tweaked, retouched, or removed using laser technology.

The procedure has no known side effects, but practitioners normally perform a test to ensure the patient is free from ink allergy. Though local anesthesia is not used, the SMP practitioner usually applies topical balms and ointments to the scalp before beginning.

If you’re wondering how much you’ll have to spend on this procedure, there is no fixed amount. The price varies based on certain factors. Your location is one of the determinants since some states and countries offer cheaper healthcare facilities & medical services.

The clinic and specialist you’ll patronize is another factor. Different practitioners charge different rates. However, don’t fall prey to desperate unqualified folks who lower the bar just to get some cash.

You should ask to see the doctor’s certification to ascertain competence before proceeding. This action avoids the risk of a low-quality job with an unnatural finish.

The last major factor is the extent of hair loss. The price of scalp micro pigmentation for hair loss is determined by the area needing coverage. So, the more hair loss, the higher the price.

However, don’t fret because the procedure is still affordable despite all of these.

Is Scalp Micropigmentation Painful?
Image Source: Pexels

The Pain Factor: Is Scalp Micropigmentation Painful?

How painful is scalp micropigmentation? – The level of pain experienced during an SMP procedure can vary from person to person. Several factors influence the perception of pain, including individual pain thresholds, the practitioner’s technique, and the choice of anesthetic.

  1. Pain Threshold: People have different pain thresholds, which means that what one person finds painful, another may consider tolerable. Some individuals report minimal discomfort during the procedure, while others may experience more significant sensations.
  2. Technique: A skilled and experienced SMP practitioner can make a substantial difference in the level of pain experienced. Expert technicians are trained to minimize discomfort through precise needlework and a gentle touch.
  3. Anesthetic Options: To reduce pain and discomfort, most SMP clinics offer various anesthetic options, such as topical numbing creams or local anesthetics. These options can significantly alleviate any potential pain during the procedure.

Pain During the SMP Procedure

During the actual SMP procedure, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Numbing Cream: Before the procedure begins, a topical numbing cream is typically applied to the scalp. This cream can take around 20-30 minutes to take effect. Some patients may feel a mild stinging or tingling sensation during this time, but it’s generally not painful.
  2. Needling Sensation: Once the numbing cream has taken effect, the needling process begins. While the sensation can vary, most people describe it as a series of tiny pinpricks or a mild scratching feeling. Some may feel a slight discomfort, but it is rarely described as painful.
  3. Pain Management: During the procedure, you can communicate with your technician if you experience any discomfort. They can make adjustments or apply more numbing cream as needed.

Post-Procedure Discomfort

After the SMP procedure, some individuals may experience mild discomfort or tenderness, similar to a sunburn. This discomfort usually subsides within a day or two and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary.

The question, “Is Scalp Micropigmentation painful?” does not have a straightforward answer. Pain perception varies from person to person, but the majority of individuals find the procedure to be tolerable and less painful than traditional tattooing. Additionally, the use of numbing creams and the skill of the practitioner play significant roles in minimizing discomfort.

What’s more?

If you’re considering SMP but are concerned about pain, consult with a reputable SMP clinic and discuss your concerns with a qualified technician. They can provide you with more specific information about the procedure and help you decide if SMP is the right solution for your hair loss concerns.

Remember, the temporary discomfort associated with SMP is a small price to pay for the long-lasting confidence and improved appearance that this innovative procedure can provide. Don’t let fear of pain hold you back from achieving the look you desire.

You can embark on your SMP journey with confidence and minimal discomfort by making an informed decision and choosing a skilled practitioner. Say goodbye to hair loss worries and hello to a renewed sense of self-esteem!


SMP is one of the best permanent solutions to intense hair loss like balding. Is scalp micropigmentation painful to undergo? It hurts a little bit, but it’s nothing you can’t endure.

So, if you’re suffering hair loss and want an affordable, permanent solution, go for SMP. First, however, ensure that you’re in the care of a certified practitioner like Ric Mac of MacSMP whom you can trust.

Hello reader, did you enjoy reading this? If you did and require more information, do not hesitate to ask questions using the comment box below. We promise to reply swiftly, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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How To Hide Hair Transplant Scars

Most men abhor hair loss either due to natural male pattern baldness, alopecia, or other disease conditions that manifest with hair loss. Fortunately, technology has provided a means for solving this problem through hair transplants. But unfortunately, the procedure usually leaves hair transplant scars that may not be palatable to the eyes.

In this article, I’ll be divulging the secrets of hair transplant scars hiding techniques so that you can adorn that hairstyle you’ve always wanted to.

Key Takeaways

Hiding hair transplant scars is possible using either the hair transplant scar removal method or the hair transplant scar concealment technique. The hair transplant scar removal technique employs the use of plastic surgery to reduce the size of the scars.

Although this technique may be successful in the short term, during old age with laxity of the scalp, the scars may become more noticeable.

Hairs Transplant Scars Removal

You can carry out Hair Transplant scars removal using various methods. Some methods can decrease the scar size formed after the follicular unit transplantation surgery. Unfortunately, the success rate is not 100 percent, plus a little scarring will remain.

Another procedure is grafting some hair follicles into the follicular unit transplantation scar through the follicular unit extraction method. However, the procedure’s success rate depends on the thickness of the scar tissue.

In addition, drugs can reduce the hair transplant scar to increase the success rate in some cases. Furthermore, scarred skin tissue does not retain grafts as effectively as healthy skin does.

Cosmetic concealing of scars is another method that is effective. This involves growing hair over the donor skin.

Hair Transplant Scar Concealment

This procedure involves camouflaging the hair transplant scars so that nobody notices them. Three methods are commonly used and are Hair transplant scar micro-pigmentation, Tricopigmentation, and Laser treatment.

Hair Transplant Scars Micropigmentation

This method employs a disguising technique to hide hair transplant scars. Hair transplant scar micro-pigmentation(SMP) is also referred to as scalp hair tattooing or medical hairline tattoo.

In this permanent, non-invasive procedure, a natural pigment with the same color as your hair is injected into the scalp skin at the epidermis level. Multiple minor dots are tattooed on your skin. As a result, it mimics the appearance of your natural hair, giving the impression that your hair is thicker.

The procedure helps camouflage the scarred tissues that developed after extraction or transplantation of the follicular unit. Hair transplant micro-pigmentation does not require surgery, nor does it in itself cause scarring.

It is a well-proven technique for concealing hair transplant scalp scars. It’s also used for alopecia, hair thinning, and receding hairline.

Depending on the size of the hair transplant scar, it may require many hair transplant scar SMP sessions to complete. In addition, there may be some discomfort during the hair transplant scar micro-pigmentation.


Tricopigmentation is a temporary type of hair transplant scar SMP. Because the ink for this procedure is injected into the uppermost layer of the dermis and not the epidermis, the pigmentation is temporary. On average, the length of time can be between six months to three years, depending on the clinic that does the procedure. It is usually uncomfortable.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is usually used as an adjunct to either hair transplant scar SMP or Tricopigmentation. This procedure decreases the size of the hair transplant scalp scars, so that hair transplant scar micro-pigmentation or tricopigmentation is more effective.

The laser is directed to the hair transplant scar and removed. The procedure also helps to stimulate your dermis to produce collagen, which boosts your skin’s appearance and elasticity. The success rate of laser treatment varies from individual to individual.

Hair Transplant Scar Healing Time

Hair transplant scar healing time varies depending on the transplant technique. There are two surgical techniques for hair transplant. The follicular unit transplantation and the follicular unit extraction.

The follicular unit transplantation technique takes a longer time to heal because the procedure uses a strip of scalp with hair from the donor site. As a result, the wound and scar are bigger. Healing usually takes up to six weeks to complete, and it may be more depending on the size of the strip.

In follicular unit extraction, hair follicles are removed from the donor area, usually at the sides or back of the head. Consequently, it doesn’t require a strip of skin. Healing is fast in this procedure, taking between two to 14 days.


Hair transplant scars can be quite a menace. However, with techniques like plastic surgery for hair transplant scar removal and hair transplant scalp micro pigmentation, you can get rid of them.

So, which procedure appeals to you the most? Let me know in the comments section below.

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Alopecia Areata – Ultimate Explainer Guide

Alopecia areata is a common problem affecting about six million people in the United States alone. It can be emotionally unsettling and socially awkward when you have this condition. Especially the types affecting the scalp and face. For this reason, people affected usually seek prompt and lasting treatment.

In this article, we’ll be explaining what alopecia areata is, the types, symptoms, and signs, and the various treatments available.

Key Takeaways

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where your body fights the hair follicles on your skin leading to hair loss. The most common type is the patchy alopecia areata which presents with patchy areas of hair loss. Furthermore, the other less common types include totals, universalism, diffuse, and ophiasis alopecia areata.

Alopecia treatment focuses on hair regrowth using medications like corticosteroids, topical immunotherapy, and minoxidil. Alopecia treatment at home can also be instituted.

What Is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia means hair loss. ‘Areata’ is a Latin word that means a vacant space or a patch. Therefore, Alopecia areata is recurrent patchy hair loss from hair-bearing body regions. It usually manifests in different ways.

It is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that the body produces an immune response against the hair follicles. Furthermore, air follicles are the structures in the skin that are responsible for producing hair. Also, there is evidence that the disorder is mostly hereditary.

Types of Alopecia Areata

It usually manifests in different forms, but in the main type, hair loss is typically in small patches. However, the other less common types include:

– Alopecia areata totalis:

Where the individual loses all the hair on the head(scalp). It looks like the male pattern of total baldness.

– Alopecia areata Universalis:

In this type, hair loss affects your whole body.

– Diffuse alopecia areata:

In this type, instead of losing the hair completely, the hair just thins out.

– Ophiasis alopecia areata:

Hair loss is in a distinctive band shape around the back and sides of your scalp.

Studies have shown that alopecia areata does not have a racial preference as it affects all races equally. Most times, onset is before 30 years. However, a study showed that the disease was more common in females.

Signs and Symptoms of Alopecia Areata

In most cases, alopecia areata is asymptomatic, meaning that those affected don’t show symptoms. However, some common symptoms you may experience include:

  • Burning sensation or pruritus in the affected areas, usually before the hair falls out.
  • Hairless patches can be single, double, or multiple.
  • Fingernails and toenails may become brittle, reddish, and pitted.

Alopecia Treatments

Sadly, there is no cure for alopecia areata. But, Alopecia treatments are just for hair loss, and management is temporary. Thus, it stimulates the lost hair to regrow. However, treatment options for alopecia areata include:


These are anti-inflammatory drugs for managing inflammatory diseases like autoimmune conditions. It works by reducing the rate at which your body destroys the hair follicles.

Application of corticosteroids into the affected area is said to be the most effective form of treatment. In addition, You can administer corticosteroids as a subcutaneous injection into the affected skin.

Injections are usually given just below the skin. The most widely used injectable corticosteroid for treating alopecia areata is Triamcinolone acetonide. It is injected into the site and repeated every four to six weeks.

Topical Immunotherapy

In this treatment method, agents are applied to the affected skin to induce an allergic reaction. It is mostly used for severe cases or when there is a relapse after previous treatment. Studies have shown a success rate of about 30 to 50 percent, with regrowth occurring in about 12.2 months.


Minoxidil finds use in people with extensive disease. The response rate is said to be between 8 to 45 percent. Regrowth usually begins in 12 weeks. However, continuous administration is necessary to maintain regrowth.

Other treatments include:

  • Use of Anthralin
  • Use of Prostaglandin analogs
  • Systemic Treatments like Prednisone, Cyclosporine, and others.
  • Use of light therapy

Alopecia Treatment at Home

Besides taking drugs, alopecia treatment at home include the following methods:

  • Wearing hats, wigs, or scarves to cover the affected areas and protect you from excessive sun.
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety. These have been said to trigger hair loss.
  • Aromatherapy
  • Use of probiotics
  • Use of onion juice which is applied on the scalp
  • You can use vitamins like biotin and zinc
  • Use of topical gels and aloe vera drinks
  • Use of herbal supplements such as green tea, ginseng, saw palmetto, and Chinese hibiscus.

Alopecia Treatment for Men

Alopecia areata is usually more extensive in men. Furthermore, a positive family history of A. A. is more common in men than women.

Alopecia treatment for men is usually focused on the affected body areas. Lastly, thesSites usually affected in men include:

  • Scalp
  • Face(beards)
  • Chest
  • Back

Alopecia Treatment for Women

As mentioned earlier, some studies show that alopecia areata is more common in females than males, and the reason is a mystery. Similarly, alopecia treatment for women is the same as in males, emphasizing the affected skin sites. Sites commonly affected include the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes people to lose hair. It is more common in females than in males. Additionally, it is more common in people less than 30 years.

Alopecia treatments focus on hair regrowth in both men and women as there is no cure for this condition. Injection or topical corticosteroids are most 

If you have enjoyed this read, or you have any questions, please drop your comments in the comments section below.

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Ultimate Guide to Hair Loss Treatment In 2023: Everything You Need to Know

Hair loss is a natural occurrence for most people as they age. However, others may be affected by either genre or physical conditions, such as hormone changes or pregnancy. Here’s a comprehensive hair loss treatment guide. Read on!

While both men and women can suffer from hair loss, men are more prone to it. According to statistics, the male-to-female baldness ratio is 7:4.

With the rise of innovation in every element of the medical world, hair loss treatment has become extremely simple and economical. However, consistency is essential for optimal regrowth.

Key Takeaway

The world of hair loss treatments has significantly advanced in 2023, offering various options for individuals seeking to address hair loss concerns. From FDA-approved medications like minoxidil and finasteride to advanced procedures like hair transplantation and regenerative treatments like PRP, solutions are available to cater to different needs and preferences.

However, it’s important to remember that results may vary from person to person, and consulting with a healthcare professional or a hair specialist can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan for individual cases. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and staying informed about the latest advancements in hair loss treatments can also contribute to optimal hair health and regrowth.

Common Types of Hair Loss

There are many types of hair loss, and the causes can vary. Some of the most common causes of hair loss include:

  • Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness): This is the most common type of hair loss, and a combination of genetics and hormones causes it.
  • Telogen effluvium: This is a type of hair loss that is caused by a sudden stressor, such as surgery, illness, or childbirth.
  • Alopecia areata: This is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack its own hair follicles.
  • Traction alopecia: This type of hair loss is caused by pulling or rubbing the hair too much.

Treatment of Hair Loss

The possibility of hair regrowth after it has fallen off is dependent on what caused the hair loss in the first place. Hair loss caused by aging may not regrow, particularly in men.

Hair loss treatment is most successful if started as soon as possible. If you realize you’re shedding more hair than usual, intervene quickly; a stitch in time saves nine.

You must identify the reason for hair loss before treatment can begin. Because there are various probable causes of Alopecia, you should see a dermatologist for a scalp biopsy. This would aid in determining the exact cause and allow doctors to determine the best course of treatment to use.

You would not have to be concerned about the hair loss treatment cost because there are inexpensive home techniques you may do to restore your once-full hair. Some good strategies to treat Alopecia are listed below.

7 Types of Hair Loss Treatment

Hair grows differently for each individual, and while some may experience female pattern hair loss or patchy hair loss due to various medical conditions, effective treatments are available to address these concerns.

For both male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss, treatments like minoxidil and finasteride can help prevent further hair loss and even regrow hair in some cases. For those seeking a more permanent solution, hair transplant surgery offers an option to restore lost hair and achieve natural-looking results.

Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual needs and goals.

1.    Minoxidil (Rogaine):

Minoxidil is one of the most popular and widely used over-the-counter treatments for hair loss. Available as a topical solution or foam, it is relatively easy to use. When applied directly to the scalp, minoxidil dilates the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the hair follicles. This improved blood circulation helps nourish the follicles and extend the growth phase of the hair, promoting hair regrowth and reducing further hair loss.

While minoxidil is an FDA-approved treatment for both men and women, it’s important to note that results may vary from person to person. Some individuals experience significant hair growth and thickness; others may see more modest improvements.

Patience and consistency are key when using minoxidil, as it may take several months to notice visible results. Moreover, discontinuing minoxidil can lead to reversing the benefits gained, so it is generally considered a lifelong treatment option.

2.    Finasteride (Propecia):

Finasteride is an oral prescription medication specifically approved for men with male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). It works by inhibiting an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which is responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that contributes to hair follicle miniaturization and hair loss in individuals with a genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness.

By reducing DHT levels, finasteride can slow down the hair loss process and, in some cases, promote hair regrowth. It is important to note that finasteride is ineffective for women and should never be used by pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant due to potential risks to the developing fetus.

As with any medication, finasteride may have side effects, albeit uncommon. These may include sexual side effects like decreased libido or erectile dysfunction. It’s essential for men considering finasteride to discuss potential risks and benefits with their healthcare provider.

3.    Hair Transplantation:

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves relocating healthy hair follicles from a donor site (typically the back or sides of the scalp) to areas experiencing hair thinning or baldness (the recipient site). This technique is particularly effective for individuals with male pattern baldness and certain types of female hair loss.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours, depending on the extent of hair loss and the number of grafts required. Following the transplant, the newly implanted hair typically falls out within a few weeks, but the roots remain intact and produce new hair within a few months.

Hair transplantation offers a permanent solution to hair loss, and the results can be incredibly natural-looking when performed by an experienced surgeon. However, it is essential to consider the cost, potential risks, and the need for careful post-operative care during the recovery period.

4.    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT):

LLLT is a non-invasive hair loss treatment that uses low-level laser light to stimulate hair follicles. The light energy is absorbed by the hair follicles, which triggers a series of cellular processes that may promote hair growth. This therapy is painless, safe, and has no known significant side effects.

While LLLT is not as effective as minoxidil or finasteride, it can be suitable for individuals who prefer non-medical interventions or those looking to complement other hair loss treatments. LLLT devices are available for home use, making them a convenient option for long-term maintenance and improvement of hair health.

5.    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP):

PRP is a regenerative treatment that utilizes the healing properties of platelets found in the patient’s blood. The procedure involves drawing a small amount of blood, spinning it in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets, and injecting the PRP solution into the scalp.

Platelets contain growth factors that can stimulate cell regeneration and hair follicle activity, potentially promoting hair growth and thickening existing hair. While PRP is considered safe and relatively painless, multiple sessions may be required to achieve visible results.

As with other hair loss treatments, the effectiveness of PRP can vary among individuals, and it may be more suitable as a complementary treatment rather than a standalone solution.

6.    Ketoconazole Shampoo:

Ketoconazole is an antifungal shampoo that has also shown promising results in treating hair loss. While it primarily serves as an antifungal agent, it may also positively impact hair growth.

Ketoconazole shampoo can reduce inflammation on the scalp, potentially aiding hair follicle health and growth. However, it may not be as effective as minoxidil or finasteride for some individuals.

7.    MicroRNA: A New Hope for Hair Loss Treatment

While some treatments are available, many are not effective for everyone. However, a new treatment on the horizon shows promise for treating hair loss: microRNA.

MicroRNAs are small molecules that regulate gene expression. They play a role in various biological processes, including hair growth. In recent years, researchers have been studying the role of microRNAs in hair loss. They have found that certain microRNAs are involved in the hair follicle miniaturization process, which is the main cause of hair loss.

One microRNA that has been shown to be particularly important for hair growth is miR-205. miR-205 is involved in regulating some genes that are important for hair growth, including those that control the production of hair proteins. In studies, increasing the levels of miR-205 has been shown to stimulate hair growth in mice.

There are several ways to increase the levels of miR-205 in the scalp. One way is to use a topical cream or gel that contains miR-205. Another way is to use a gene therapy approach to deliver miR-205 directly to the hair follicles.

Early research on microRNA for hair loss treatment is promising. However, more research is needed to determine this treatment’s long-term safety and efficacy. If microRNA-based treatments are safe and effective, they could offer new hope for people struggling with hair loss.

Talk to your doctor if you want to learn more about microRNA hair loss treatment. They can help you assess the risks and benefits of this treatment and determine if it is right for you.

Below is a table highlighting the effectiveness, side effects, and cost of hair loss treatment options:

TreatmentEffectivenessSide EffectsCost
Minoxidil (Rogaine)Moderate to HighMild scalp irritation (temporary)Affordable
Finasteride (Propecia)High (for male pattern baldness)Sexual side effects (in some men)Moderately expensive
Hair TransplantationHighSurgical risks, potential scarring,Expensive
and downtime during recovery
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)ModerateNone reportedModerate to Expensive
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)Promising but requires moreMinimal (uses patient’s blood)Moderately Expensive
Ketoconazole ShampooModerateMinimal (topical use)Affordable
MicroRNAPromising requires moreResearch is an ongoing and potential breakthroughNot commercially
research and developmenttreatment in the futureavailable

Note: The information in this table is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Effectiveness, side effects, and costs may vary depending on individual factors and treatment response.

It’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any hair loss treatment. Additionally, the information on MicroRNA-based treatment is based on early research and is not commercially available at the time of writing.

hair loss treatment

Other Hair Loss Prevention Tips

1. Changing your eating habits and taking supplements

Proteins, iron, and zinc are essential for having a full head of hair. Hair deficiency can result from a lack of certain minerals.

You might have a diet plan designed for you to provide your body with the nutrition it needs. Alternatively, you could ask your doctor to prescribe a hair supplement.

Biotin, Niacin, and Folic acid are three of the most popular and effective hair supplements.

2. Getting more sleep

According to research, anxiety, stress, and chronic anxiousness have been linked to hair loss. In addition, when the body does not get enough rest or sleep, it loses its capacity to create epithelial cells that support hair growth.

Regardless of how complex your job or daily routine is, make an effort to allow yourself enough rest. This is not only necessary for your hair loss treatment, but it also contributes to the general health and development of the human body.

3. Staying moisturized with essential oils

Massaging your scalp with essential oils daily helps widen the scalp’s blood vessels. You improve blood circulation and the root of hair follicles by doing so.

Rosemary lavender, coconut, almond chamomile, and sage oil are particularly beneficial for increasing hair development, hair loss, hair thickness, and hair softness.


Hair loss can be either temporary or permanent, and everyone must go through it at least once in their lives. In addition, you can find follicles in practically every part of the body; this indicates that the other portions may also develop patchiness.

Hair loss is often a challenging experience for anyone. However, we understand that losing your most appealing face feature is complex, and we are here to help you with all the assistance you require.

If you need help or have any more questions regarding hair loss treatment, click here for free consultation. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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